About Me

Hi there, thanks for visiting my about me page!

I've always enjoyed using technology, whether by building computers, playing classic games with emulators, or creating custom apps to make other's lives easier.

Although I've had jobs and volunteer roles in a variety of industries, such as physical therapy, animal shelters, bartending, and hospitality, I kept returning to coding. I found becoming a software engineer was the perfect way to combine my love of technology, creativity, and the ability to help others.

When I'm not coding, you can find me enjoying fantasy games, movies, or books! My favorite games are Hades, baldur's gate 3 and Final Fantasy 14. When the weather cooperates, I'm always hyped to go hiking and I keep meaning to start Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Also, I'm a language nerd, I've read a few novels in Japanese and I'm currently working on mastering getting half decent at spoken Spanish.

I look forward to meeting you!